
Adelina Katsman

| artist | 22 years old |
| she/they | ENG/HEB |
| commissions OPEN |

commissions info

-Prices stated in the price sheet are a base price; any props, backgrounds, pets, are an added fee if very detailed.
An extra character in the same drawing is 75% of the base price -for up to 2 additional characters, if any more are added they'll be the same as the base price (same goes for multiple DnD group references art).
-If you have any specific request (of style/size of commission, like a headshot or whole character reference sheet) that isn't mentioned in these prices just talk to me.-Base prices is for personal use only. For commercial use (DND podcasts, Twitch streams, YouTube videos etc ) we can discuss additional payments separately.


Sketch page (without or with color)40-60 USD
Half-body color character85 USD
Full-body color character110 USD
Background (simple: color/texture/shapes)no charge
Background (complex and detailed)10-50 USD


Character sketch page

Half-body color character

Full-body color character